How do I apply for free and reduced meals?
- Please note, although all meals, breakfast and lunch, continue to be free to all students, we still ask that all caregivers fill out an alternative income form. The alternative income form affects the amount of funding that the district will receive from the state and is used to determine eligibility for free or reduced bus passes, Boys and Girls Club, and EBT cards.
- Applications are available at the Food Service Office, school site kitchens, on-line and at the School Offices. Complete the application and return to the school kitchen or Food Service office. Please make sure that all of the information is correct and complete.
Do schools serve breakfast and lunch daily?
- Yes
Does my child have to take everything offered for meals?
- No; however, for a meal to be complete, a number of components must be taken.Three of four items for breakfast and three of five for lunch.
How do I get in touch with the Food Service Office?
• Ask for Adam or Andrea: 935-6091
How do I get in touch with the kitchens?
Altimira: 935-6020
Flowery: 935-6060
SVHS: 933-4010
Adele: 935-6080
Dunbar: 935-6070
Prestwood: 935-6030
El Verano: 935-6050
Sassarini: 935-6040
- Please note, although all meals, breakfast and lunch, continue to be free to all students, we still ask that all caregivers fill out an alternative income form. The alternative income form affects the amount of funding that the district will receive from the state and is used to determine eligibility for free or reduced bus passes, Boys and Girls Club, and EBT cards.